十月 20, 2010

point & shoot 的震撼。

這片子不是我拍的,只是剛好看到很驚訝,point & shoot的效果已經超出我的想像,其實只要角度和時間還有運氣,不用SLR,point & shoot真的一樣能拍出好片子。當然,這片子做過後期處理,但是如果沒有好的構圖再好的相機都是白搭。

A young buck strolls though the park as the sun breaks though the Pacific fog deep in the redwood forest. My wife and while out driving without knowing where we were going had accidentally discovered a nearby redwood park that was often laden with fog from San Francisco Bay. At the time, all I had was a simple point and shoot Olympus camera and we didn't have all the filters you would have with an SLR camera and I had not yet learned to use the manual modes. The walk through the park remarkable but unfortunately the camera just wasn't up to the task of taking the pictures under these conditions.

I never throw away an image and I was glad I held on to this one. As I was digging though my old photographs and realized that this shot had some potential especially given that I've learned a lot about Camera RAW And Photoshop. One of the things I had recently learned was that you could load the old JPEG images in Camera RAW. With a bit of work in Camera RAW and then Photoshop, I had a photograph that reminded me of that day and made hanging on to the image worth it all.

